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Cheshire Police; [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Cheshire Police

Found underweight, unable to walk properly, and riddled with maggots, a three-year-old pony named Tuesday died only hours after her rescuers transported her to a veterinarian for potentially lifesaving medical procedures, reported Cheshire Live.

“Someone has left Tuesday to get into this state and, instead of getting her the treatment and help she badly needed, simply dumped her in a field and washed their hands of her,” RSPCA inspector Pamela Bird told Cheshire Live. “It’s disgraceful.”

Tuesday had years to live ahead of her, but her life got cut short because of blatant neglect. Whoever is responsible for leaving this helpless pony to die must answer for their actions.

Sign this petition urging the Cheshire Police to use all available resources to investigate this case, finding and charging Tuesday’s abuser.

This is an ongoing investigation. Anyone with information about the case is asked to call the RSPCA at 0300 123 8018.