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Consumer Protection and Business Committee Chair Rep. Steve Kirby; https://app.leg.wa.gov/pbc/memberEmail/29/2

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PETITION TARGET: Washington State Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins

UPDATE (4/19/2021): The Humane Pet Sales Bill passed the Senate with a 31-18 vote on March 25 and headed to Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, who signed the bill into law on April 16.

Any new pet store in the state now will not be allowed to sell live dogs — a move applauded by animal welfare advocates.

This achievement represents years of work, and we are thrilled that our unwavering dedication to get this important legislation passed will have a positive impact for years to come,” said Pasado’s Safe Haven, an animal welfare nonprofit in Sultan, Wash., that championed the cause. 

We want to thank the more than 39,000 people who signed our petition demanding justice and accountability for these dogs! It’s a brighter day for Washington’s dogs due to this legislation, the dedicated work of state-based advocates, and your support!


UPDATE (3/10/2021): HB 1424, also known as the Humane Pet Sales Bill, passed out of the House with a 68-30 vote and strong bipartisan support on March 7. The legislation prevents any new pet stores from selling live dogs in the state. The bill legislation now heads to the Senate’s Business, Financial Services & Trade Committee; if passed there, it will head to Gov. Jay Inslee. We urge the Senate to pass this important bill and to help ensure the puppy mill pipeline won’t worsen in Washington.


UPDATE (2/18/2021): Unfortunately, the original version of this bill was amended in mid-February, before passing out of committee, to exclude existing pet stores that sell live puppies from meeting additional animal welfare-related requirements in order to continue the practice. This petition was updated on Feb. 18 to reflect the updated petition target and to accurately portray the bill’s amended language.


Stacked in wire cages with barely enough room to move and suffering from painful dental and medical conditions, 255 puppies and dogs were recently pulled from two illegal puppy mills in Washington State.

“The dogs were understandably frightened and many of them need ongoing medical attention,” wrote Pasado’s Safe Haven, one of the rescues involved, in a newsletter. “Their bodies were exhausted from having multiple litters, and many had eye infections and painful, rotting teeth.”

While they are now recovering and finding loving forever homes, thanks to the animal rescue groups, the pups only endured this horrific suffering because puppy mills remain profitable in Washington.

While the state has some of the stronger pet retail laws in the nation, loopholes can’t prevent pet stores from importing out-of-state dogs for sale.  But HB 1424,  also dubbed the Humane Pet Sales Bill, would help stop that shady practice.

The bill would stop any new pet stores from being able to sell live puppies. 

Brenna Anderst, Pasado’s education and advocacy director, said documentation shows the vast majority of puppies in pet stores come from puppy mills, where they endure horrific conditions due to minimal licensing requirements.

“Despite being licensed by the USDA, these breeding operations can legally confine dogs in cages only 6 inches larger than their bodies for their entire lives, deny dogs adequate exercise and socialization, and provide no regular veterinary care beyond an annual walk-through,” Anderst said.

“This bill allows for a significant step in the right direction,” she continued. “This bill can ensure Washington is not seen as a safe haven for stores that other states have rejected. We can also ensure that existing stores cannot expand, and that they can no longer mislead consumers as to their breeders, prices, or financing. ”

The suffering of puppies sold from horrific puppy mills for people’s profit must stop. Sign this petition encouraging Washington State legislative leaders to support this important bill that could help save countless innocent lives.