Begin Your Legacy With Us


Leave a Legacy of Compassion

You can support our lifesaving work in helping animals long into the future by joining Lady Freethinker’s Legacy Society.

As a Legacy Society member, you’ll make animal protection a part of your lasting legacy. You’ll receive in-depth updates about our work to stay engaged, inspired, and excited about what your future gift will accomplish for all beings.

Get Started

To help you get started on your plans and legacy, you can use FreeWill, an online tool that guides you through the process of creating a legally valid will or trust. It’s easy to use, accessible online and can be completed in 20 minutes. You can use this resource on its own, or use it to document your wishes before finalizing your plans with an attorney.

Already Included a Gift?

Have you already included a gift in your will or trust? Please contact us at to let us know! We would love to thank you for your generosity and recognize you as a Legacy Society member on our online donor wall.

Non-Probate Assets 

Do you have an IRA, 401(k), life-insurance policy, or any other assets not included in your will? If so, these are called non-probate assets and you must plan your beneficiaries for them separately. 

Information you will need:  Lady Freethinker | 12405 Venice Blvd. #390 | Los Angeles, CA. 90066 | (310) 626-1950 | | EIN:  47-4213802

Legacy Society Members

With much gratitude, Lady Freethinker would like to recognize the following individuals who assure our lifesaving support for animals well into the future.

Xiaoling Chen

Nikki Harris

Gerard Jendras

Terry Jordan





Have additional questions? Contact us at and we will be happy to speak with you about building your legacy for animals.