lft investigates
Animals Languishing in Filth at Cruel U.S. Live Markets
A Lady Freethinker (LFT) investigation into live animal markets in New York and New Jersey reveals chickens, rabbits, cows, and others are suffering in feces-encrusted cages and enclosures waiting to be killed.
Live markets are filthy slaughterhouses where customers choose live animals, like rabbits and birds, to be butchered on site. LFT’s investigator visited 17 of these horrid facilities and found widespread cruelty and unsanitary conditions at every single one, including:
- Dead animals in cages with live ones, who – with nowhere else to go – were forced to step or lie on the lifeless bodies
- Employees yanking chickens out of cages by their feet or sensitive wings, tying their legs together, and hanging them upside down to be weighed
- Animals with minimal, dirty food and water
- Floors, walls, cages, and enclosures covered with blood, excrement, and other bodily fluids
Here are more of the cruel conditions our investigator uncovered:
Sick and Stressed Animals in Filth

Live Birds in Cages with Their Dead Companions

Hauled to Their Death

At American Halal Meats, one cow was hung upside down and thrashed her legs as blood spewed everywhere. Her head had been cut off and hung next to her bloody body.

Live Markets Could Breed the Next Pandemic
Stacking cages of animals on top of each other makes it easy for excrement, blood, and other bodily fluids to fall from the top and soak the floor and animals at the bottom. These filthy conditions allow disease to spread from animal to animal, and to humans who encounter them.

Food safety inspections also reveal the dangers of these markets. Astoria Live Poultry was previously cited by the USDA for a dumpster in front of the establishment leaking an unknown liquid onto the sidewalk, and an inspection of Island Live Poultry notes that cages were being washed outside.
Many markets are located just blocks away from homes, schools, and restaurants, making it likely that blood, excrement, and other fluids will be picked up by shoes and spread into other areas, including homes and businesses.

The Suffering MUST End
As long as live markets are open ANYWHERE in the world, animals will continue to suffer and die painfully and public health will remain at risk.
Help today by signing our petition urging authorities in New York and New Jersey to immediately shut down and ban live animal markets across the states – and share this information with your friends and family.

Histories of Violations
LFT recently uncovered more suffering and filth at New York live markets through public records requests, including feathers and feces piled on sidewalks, wastewater backing up into live bird cages, and dead birds housed with live ones.
At Astoria Live Poultry, which LFT investigated, inspectors noted live birds on the loose, trash and debris piled on the floor, and a dumpster repeatedly “leaking an unknown liquid” onto the sidewalk.
Inspectors noted live roaches and accumulated grime across food contact surfaces at Halal Live Poultry, another facility that was investigated by LFT. State inspectors also documented birds living above catch pans with accumulated, encrusted filth and feces.
You can read the full report here.

And remember – you can help animals who are needlessly and violently killed for food every day by always choosing kind plant-based options that don’t cause them to suffer and die.
More photos from LFT’s investigation below:

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