America’s wild horses need your voice! Please join Lady Freethinker for a week of online action from Sept. 23-27 to urge the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to stop deadly helicopter roundups – where terrified wild horses are often injured, killed, or separated from their families as they’re chased into corrals by low-flying choppers.

At the North Lander Complex roundup in Wyoming, Lady Freethinker recently documented the deaths of 13 horses, including two innocent foals who appeared to have died due to stress. 

As the 2024 roundups continue into October, there are still many innocent lives at stake. 

Together, we can help END wild horse helicopter roundups! Please always make sure to be professional and respectful when you are advocating for animals to achieve the most effective  results.

Please RSVP on Facebook here and share the event to help spread the word.

Monday, September 23

Head to our socials – X, Instagram, or Facebook – and share any of our informative posts with the hashtag #LetWildHorsesBeWild. As a bonus, you can let people know in the comments why YOU do not support the roundups!

Tuesday, September 24 

Email the BLM at [email protected] (or call at 202-208-3801) and demand an end to wild horse helicopter roundups. You can use a script from LFT as a guide if you need inspiration on what to say or write – see the full script here.

Wednesday, September 25

Share LFT’s petition with 5 family and friends and ask them to sign! You can also help spread the word by posting the petition on your social media.

Thursday, September 26

Email the National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board – a board composed of advocacy groups, research institutions, veterinarians, natural resource and livestock organizations, members of the general public, and more – who make recommendations to the BLM for consideration at their annual meetings, at [email protected] and ask that they help save horses’ lives by doing everything in their power to oppose helicopter-assisted wild horse roundups. Feel free to use Lady Freethinker’s template email for reference here.

Friday, September 27

Respectfully comment on the Bureau of Land Management’s Facebook and Instagram posts asking them to ban helicopter-assisted roundups immediately.

Thank you all for participating in our week of action! Remember to RSVP on our Facebook event here, and please be sure to share it with your friends and family.

SIGN: Stop Cruel Helicopter Roundups That Are Killing Wild Horses